Mosman Council - Discover Life with Dementia (June 2024)

Mosman Council arranged a wonderful forum featuring personal experiences and practical advice on living with dementia.

Bill shared his inspirational journey and Kay performed Work of Art, Blindfold, Invisible and The Man She Married.

The audience was fabulous, enthusiastically singing their lines in The Man She Married! 

Race Against Dementia welcomes our music (May 2024)

Alzheimer's & Dementia Weekly features 'Work of Art' (April 2024)

With a new post on Alzheimer’s or dementia appearing on the internet every 7 minutes, Alzheimer's & Dementia Weekly focuses on the best available information & resources, including our new song, “Work of Art (inspired by Bill Yeates, and his Tree of Awakening Your Positivity).

New Song - Work of Art - inspired by Bill and his Tree (April 2024)

If you've seen our What's Bill Up To? page you'll know Bill Yeates continues to make incredible progress  with his swimming.

But there is more to life than swimming, more than a better functioning body. Bill has also developed a holistic approach to living well with dementia which rebuilds and nurtures his body, mind, heart and soul. Bill’s entire concept of ‘self’ has changed since he developed his holistic approach, his Tree of Awakening Your Positivity (Tree).

Bill is evolving with dementia. He is creative, dynamic and unique; Bill is a work of art.

 Kay  & Jon's latest song,  Work of Art  is inspired by Bill, and his holistic approach to living well with dementia, his Tree.  

Work of Art asks listeners to think about how they may respond if dementia comes to them and invites us to see ourselves as works of art, whether or not we experience dementia.

To celebrate the 4-year anniversary of the creation of Bill's Tree Kay & Jon  gifted “Work of Art”. They hope that it helps people to see it’s possible to live well with dementia, and - perhaps - see ourselves as works of art.

More info about Bill and his Tree

Avalon Beach Community Centre (March 2024)

Dementia Australia invited Kay to provide a sing-along for members of the Memory Lane Cafe at Avalon.

Personal stories were told before each song to share a little of  Kay's experience with her husband's dementia.

Kay was well supported by talented  local musician Ray Quine and everyone joined in for the final song, The Man She Married.

Dementia Australia Library includes our music

Royal Motor Yacht Club (March 2024)

Bill & Kay presented to a highly engaged audience at the RMYC (Pittwater), sponsored by RMYC, AWMarine Sales, Awakening Your Positivity and Kay Hughes Music raising much-needed funds for the  Race Against Dementia - Dementia Australia Research Fellowship. 

There was enormous interest in Bill's Tree of Awakening Your Positivity, and Kay performed Work of Art, Blindfold, Invisible and The Man She Married.

The Unforgettables Dementia Choir (Newcastle, NSW)

In Feb 2024, we received a delightful message from the Unforgettables Dementia Choir (Newcastle, NSW) which is hosted by the Newcastle Conservatorium of Music, "thank you for your generous donation to our dementia-friendly choir in Newcastle".

The power of music to re-awaken memories and motivate us to engage is well known. Singing in a group also brings physical benefits in improvements to breath, posture and muscle tension, as well as a sense of social connections which are enhanced by group singing.

The Unforgettables Dementia Choir is a fantastic initiative and we look forward to attending one of its performances.

"It's OK to ask for help" video (2023)

Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance (NBDA) provides wonderful resources and information about support for people living with dementia.

In 2023, Bill & Kay  - along with Professor Sue Kurrle - were included in NBDA's excellent video letting people know “It's OK to ask for help”, a message which is highly relevant now.

Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance (December 2023)

Our final presentation for 2023 was to the Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance at Anglicare (Frenchs Forest).

Bill shared his incredible story, and Kay performed Blindfold, Invisible and The Man She Married.

We appreciated the audience's enthusiasm, engagement, and big singing voices!

Anthony  Parker from Dementia Australia said, "wonderful presentation ... very inspiring and moving!"

Adelaide (Nov 2023)

Using a combination of videos, anecdotes and songs (Blindfold, Invisible and The Man She Married), Bill and Kay shared their experiences of life with dementia.

According to Jackie Hayes (from Dementia Australia), South Australian Dementia Advocate Tina Southall said, "I have never been so inspired by anyone, as I was with Bill Yeates.”

The music by Kay Hughes, well for once I have no words, unusual for me. Her singing, her words, I feel richer for hearing her.”

Dementia Australia - NSW Client Services staff (Nov, 2023)

Dementia Australia's NSW Client Services Team is highly diverse and deeply committed to positively & meaningfully supporting those to whom services are provided. 

It was a rare privelege to be a part of their staff development forum. For the first time, our entire collection of dementia inspired songs was sung in a single session.

Allison Crase-Markarian (from Dementia Australia) said, "We all feel so blessed that Kay could come along last week and share her story. So much positive feedback from the staff; we really were in admiration of an incredible lady"

Anglicare forums at Pittwater (Oct 2023) & Gymea (Nov 2023)

Dementia and Relationships

Bill spoke about how Dementia affects his relationships with family, friends and work colleagues, paying particular attention to the strategies he uses to minimise this impact.

The audience resonated with the songs that Kay co-wrote and sang, particularly Dementia Blues and  The Man She Married.

Bill said, "music is often a great medium to express feelings and thoughts, allowing Kay to reach out and convey the emotional experiences of being a carer". 

The Q&A panel consisted of advocates and clinicians. Besides the personal stories the advocates shared, it was also a real highlight to hear an explanation of “complicated grief” and how it affects people living with dementia and their carers. 

Northern Beaches Hospital (October 2023)

Bill & Kay are highly committed to telling their stories to as many  people as possible so that perspectives may be broadened, conversations may be sparked, and meaningful collaborations may emerge.

In October 2023, they presented a Development session to the Northern Beaches Hospital Geriatrics Department. 

Bill's inspirational story and excellent video footage showing  his Neurocognitive Training Program stimulated lively discussion, and the Geriatrics Department brought strong voices  to join in with Kay's songs (Blindfold, Invisible and The Man She Married).

Energize Health Club (Sep 2023)

Encouraging Wrap-up from Energize Health Club

50 members of Energize Health Club (Frenchs Forest) listened, learned, laughed and cried as we  told and sung our stories.

Kay performed Blindfold, Invisible and The Man She Married.

There was plenty of wonderful feedback and $500 was raised for The Rockpool Tour (2024) - a great outcome! 


Hunter Medical Research Institute (Aug 2023)

Bill  & Kay shared stories and songs at the Hunter Medical Research Institute's community seminar in Newcastle.

HMRI Director and CEO Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin said, "On Tuesday evening we hosted the Enjoying Life with Dementia community seminar, in collaboration with our Healthy Minds at HMRI research program, to a full house here at HMRI (and even more Zooming in online).

A very special thank you to Bill Yeates and Kay Hughes who shared their inspirational stories and experiences and that it is still possible to live a meaningful and fulfilling life after a diagnosis of dementia.

Also a huge thanks to our wonderful research community including Professor Frini Karayanidis, and Professor Michael Breakspear."

CA Brown Time Capsule (Aug 2023)

Present-day items such as the daily newspaper, a $5 note, photos of staff and residents and our album of dementia-inspired songs ("Invisible No More") were put into a time capsule and buried in the garden at CA Brown Lodge (Booragul, NSW).

We look forward to seeing it open in 2043.

Gold Coast, QLD (May 2023)

Bill & Kay were invited as guest speakers at a  Gold Coast Advocates meeting. 

Bill shared his Tree of Awakening your Positivity concept and use of SMART goals that have helped him thrive after his dementia diagnosis. Kay performed three songs about her experiences as a care partner; Blindfold, Invisible  and The Man She Married

Dementia Australia said, "Together, Bill and Kay’s personal experiences, valuable insights and shared wisdom inspired and moved all who attended"

Live Music - House Party (May 2023)

Live music at House Parties has become more popular; it's a great way to uplift your guests!

We very much enjoyed performing at a 60th Birthday on Sydney's Northern Beaches. 

On our playlist were the host's favourite songs, including "The Man She Married".

Lifeline Community Seminar (March, 2023)

A memorable evening, thanks to Lifeline (Harbour to Hawkesbury) and all who attended.

Lance Dale, from Dementia Australia (in photo with Bill and Kay) arranged for Bill to share his inspirational story, and for Kay to perform 3 original dementia-inspired songs, including The Man She Married, at a Lifeline Community Seminar in Sydney.

Lance said, "Bill and Kay are an inspiring team … they raised awareness and broke down stereotypes with their positive messages, stories and songs".

Avalon Beach Community Centre (March, 2023)

Kay, supported by her friend (Peter) facilitated “Enjoy Singing with Dementia” at Dementia Australia's Memory Lane Cafe (Avalon).

The group sang well known favourites; a partipant said, "I was sitting with my father-in-law during the singing. He hasn't really been engaged during the last couple of cafe sessions, but today he was quietly singing during every song". 

National Dementia Conference, Melbourne (June 2022)

Kay was on a panel which discussed the impact of dementia on relationships at the National Dementia Conference in Melbourne.

It was a lively, honest and far-reaching exploration of issues such as intimacy, changing responsibilities, different aspects of love, planning for the future and adapting to change.

Kay performed "The Man She Married" at Corretto (April, 2022)

Kay's first public performance of dementia-inspired music was "The Man She Married" at a Dementia Research fundraiser at the Corretto, Dee Why.

A highly engaged crowd sang along - great fun!

You can see Kay perform The Man She Married here.

Dr Rob Woodward at the National Maritime Museum (April, 2022)

Kay enjoyed a fun-packed evening with exceptional musicians, including Rob Woodward, at the National Maritime Museum.

Rob kindly offered his amazing saxophone skills for our opening song on "Invisible No More" (Blindfold). What can we say? he did a brilliant job!

You can read more about Rob on our guest musicians page.